One excellent way to improve your financial profile is to buy a home of your own. But we won’t sugarcoat it: It can be a long and potentially stressful process in a market where buyers are more plentiful than inventory. When it comes to the dollars and cents of securing a mortgage loan, lean on your trusted Realtor® for sage advice and their trusted team to make it as smooth as possible for you.
The process can seem overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be. If you take a few steps upfront to manage the financial details early, you’ll thank yourself on moving day.
Get pre-approved for a mortgage
You’ll have to submit documents that show your:
- income and expenses
- tax returns
- bank statements
- paystubs
A mortgage pre-approval is much more involved than its lighter cousin, the mortgage pre-qualification.
A pre-approval will help you understand exactly how your new home will fit into your finances and whether you can even afford the house you’re currently touring. Some buyers make the mistake of getting pre-qualified for a mortgage, making an offer on a house they love – and then discovering once they submit all their paperwork that they can’t actually get a loan for that amount.
Pick the best mortgage for your situation
All mortgages will help you buy a home, but not all mortgages are created equal when it comes to your own personal financial profile.
- If you know you’re only going to be in your current city for two or three more years before pursuing a career change elsewhere, for example, then maybe a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is the wrong choice for you.
- You could build more equity in a shorter period of time with a 15-year mortgage, and an adjustable-rate mortgage might give you a more competitive rate for the time you’ll be in the home.
- Conversely, if you are planning on digging in and staying for a while, then a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage might be exactly what you need.
Save as much as you can
Even if you’re securing a low-down-payment or no-down-payment mortgage, you should still expect some out-of-pocket costs that you’ll have to shoulder before you can start paying a mortgage instead of rent.
Depending on the sales contract, buyers will likely have to pay for the appraiser and the inspector to look at the house and (respectively) appraise and inspect it. A seller might request earnest money in order to accept an offer, so buyers will have to provide that.
- Necessary repairs to the house might be taken on by the buyer in order to expedite the sale, so that’s another possible expense to consider.
- There are closing costs that need to be paid to the title company upon closing, and purchasing title insurance to protect the sale is an additional expense, too.
- Remember the cost of moving too – you’ll need time off work and a truck at minimum, or to hire your own movers. Then once you move in, you might need to pick up some furniture or other items for your new space.
Research before you offer
If you’ve found a home that could be yours and you’re ready to make a offer, stop and think before you decide on a number.
A good real estate agent can explain your local market trends and help you come up with an offer that works with your budget and will be seen as serious and competitive by the seller. Agents can show you whether houses in the area have been selling for below or above the asking price and can help you find that sweet spot where both you and the seller are happy with the deal.